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cleaning service
cooking and cleaning
cleaning and cooking in perth



cleanmaster.png 2015-3-20-10:46:23
cleaning service perth
cleaning service perth

What about the cooking?

Freezing friendly recipes!

1. Choose your food option for the week.

3. We will cook!

(cooking is done at your house)

2. Send it to us




we provide the following services


Cleaning | Cooking (at the clients premises) | Laundry |  Ironing | Organizing 

How does it work?

healthy food

Living Healthy

The Biochemistry Behind your food

Most take away food are loaded with unecessary Sugar & Fats! Make sure you and your family eat clean.

Not only will you save money; but you will ensure a Fresh and Healthy Diet!





cooking in perth

Engaging the family

Finding the fun behing everyday tasks

Nothing better then enjoying some quality time with the family. Cleaning and cooking can be part of your fun time too!





cooking and cleaning service perth

5 Golden Rules:


1.Every item has a home

2.Subdive drawer's space

3.Separate by functionality

3.Put it back!!

4.If you dont use it, give it away

5.Do it NOW


Organizing Tips:

The pleasure to know where the keys are


Nollamara - Perth

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Contact Us

0498570017 Camila

0498569398 Michal

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